Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Khanapur School Initiative

Khanapur Chitta is one of the Villages in Hingoli District of Maharashtra. The village is in core central Maharashtra. The school and the village both are developing. The school is run by the district education department (called as Zilla Parishad). They have recently completed the construction of the new school buildings.

School building 1

School buildings & ground

The teachers are enthusiastic and were impressed by the idea of having their own library when Mukund visited them during his India visit during Christmas holidays. Mukund’s cousin Dr. Martand is the local contact and is well associated with the school village. Mandar, Mukund’s brother who stays in Thane-Mumbai, found a local distributor of books who was kind enough to pass on all his profit (30% of retail price) for this noble cause. Mandar managed the books collection & logistics to post them to the school.

Few of the books provided

“Overall it was a great satisfying experience!” – say Mukund, Mandar & Dr. Martand.
The letter sent by the Head Master of the school also says a lot –

Translated as:
“First of all, many more best wishes for the noble work you all are doing!
Our students are enjoying reading of the books you have sent to us. Few of the books are also read by our teachers and local seniors.
Our heartily best wishes to the project you have undertaken.
We have provided the acknowledgment receipt to Dr. Martand.”

Currently books in Marathi have been donated. In few months time, we may discuss and contribute Hindi and English books as well based on the feedback on current books.

Special thanks all of you for your continued support and encouragement for this wonderful work.


Frequently asked Q&A:

  • Question:   I am not too sure if the books will be for primary or secondary schools & the language of these books – English or regional?

Answer:   The school provides their needs. We are agnostic to the school education levels and the language.  READ Team and Read India can also suggest books.

  • Question:   Who is going to decide the schools to which the money will go – is there any selection process of the schools?

Answer:  Answered above. READ Team would decide. Someone from the team would nominate the school and provide the background, reasons etc for the books. A template form would be created for the same. Any volunteers?

  • Question:   If for some reason, we don’t find any school/community?

Answer:  Read India would suggest a school or community. In case we don’t like the school, funds can be pooled in and can be used for future based on mutual decision.

  • Question:   Will it be region specific?

Answer: Anywhere in India.

  • Question:    Who will be responsible for the proper utilization of the funds?

Answer: READ Team would be collectively responsible.
We need a volunteer for Audit and funds record management.

  • Question:    Who will be the contact person in India who will be actually doing the ground level job of selecting the books, selecting the school, buying the books & finally the books reaching its ultimate destination?

Answer: Selecting books by school/community with help by READ Team and Read India. For buying and delivering books:
·         Local champions. We have Mumbai Volunteer already. 
·         Where we don’t have a local champion, we would work to find a book seller with online ordering and free delivery
·         We would also use Read India infrastructure and team where possible.

  • Question:   How will people come to know how their donations have been used?

Answer: Every second month a finance report will be send to the READ Team.

  • Question:  Can I donate more money?

Answer: As an individual, a READ Team member contributes between Rs 500 – Rs 1000 only every month. This is so that the team contribution is at similar level financially. Members can get contribution from external sources. Proposal is that any extra donation would be marked separately and may be used for any school/community READ team decide.

  • Question:  Will the group donate money for other school/children needs as well?

Answer: No. To be effective, this would solely focus on providing books for school/community libraries. We encourage people to visit the school/community and contribute in other ways directly.

  • Question: What can this small contribution achieve? We have so many other challenges/issues in India? Just 6/10 schools for the whole year?

Answer:  It’s a pilot scheme and intend is to provide another way for people to contribute. People are free to contribute/help above and beyond. Other objective of this group is to bring these 10 Team members together. The Team members would ignite/inspire their own circle of people.

  • Question:  Has the first school been selected?

Answer: The first school has already been selected in Dharavi, Mumbai.
Communication has been established with the School Principal. (Mrs Shubhangi Karvir)

  • Question: Would we interact with the school later on on-going basis?

Answer:  We would endeavour to setup an informal communication channel with the schools involved. The India/Books coordinator would come up with proposal.

  • Question: Can we donate books which are not asked by the school/not in curriculum but have been personally benefited by the same.

Answer:  Priority would be the books school/community has asked for. Additional books could be decided by the Team.

  • Question: Is READ Initiate or READ India making any money?

Answer:  It’s a completely non profit endeavour. All the money donated will be used to purchase, bind and deliver books.
Any extra expense incurred by the Core Team and Local Champions is their personal expenses.

What is Read Initiative?

This is an invitation from a friend to join in a new way you contribute (should you choose to) to create an effective, empowering, long lasting positive changes using leverage of group effort.

What is READ Initiative about?

Very often schools in “less privileged” areas do not have basic textbooks that children can read and have access to.  “READ Initiative” is aimed to be one year group project focussed on school / community centre libraries. 
Note: Operating model is described below.

With the sole aim to provide these children with good books, our READ group will focus on:
  • Identify and liaise with the schools where school library is required and will be useful
  • Provide relevant books as per the requirements particular school/ institute  for their library
  • Collect and manage contribution from its members to buy required books

How will READ operate and what will it do?
Operating Model:

READ TEAM Composition:
  • Core Team
  • Local Champions

Core Team:
  • Core team is a group of 10 people
  • Each team member is committed for 1 year for the contribution
  • Everyone contributes Rs 500 to Rs 1000 per month for 12 months
  • Core team members take up various roles explained below

Local Champions:

  • Local Champions are people who may form the part of the core team but would be based in India to help with logistics. They would also be front end contact with the schools.
  • Local Champions help buy the books, get them bind and deliver to the school.
  • Any member on their trip to India is welcome to become local champion for that particular assignment.
  • Currently we have local champions for Delhi and Mumbai. More people can join to be local Champions
  • Local Champions do not have to contribute monthly amount. We appreciate that they are giving their valuable time and putting themselves in the front line.

Books Logistics:
Buying books:

  • Core Team members and Local Champions to use their local contacts collectively to ensure correct purchase and value for money for the books bought.

When, where will the coordination take place?

  • A yahoo email group for general communication within the READ Team.
  • READ Team would have access to each other and are free to communicate one to one.
  • Conference calls (via phone or cell) could be organised every month/ 6 weeks to share ideas, decide on schools, review reports etc.
  • Communications and Project lead (see below) would be responsible for most formal communication

What is in for ME?

  • Because YOU Can Make a Difference.
  • A chance to get actively involved, contribute to a bigger cause and make new friends.
  • It is a time bound project and therefore you have a option to decide whether to continue further

How can I contribute?

Financial Contribution:
  • Any amount between INR 500- 1000 per month as you wish by 10th of the month.

Active contribution

  • By actively taking role in the organising and managing the group.  The roles and responsibilities would be mutually agreed and could be on rotational basis.
  • Volunteers  are needed for following Key Roles:

Volunteer Name
India Coordinator
Coordinate with Schools, Local Champions, Read India

Books Coordinator
Key person working with schools/Read India to select the books. Sends bimonthly reports.

Finance Coordinator
Manages the records of funds collected and disbursement.  Sends bi-monthly financial audit reports.

Project Lead
Manages the team, schedules meetings etc

Marketing  and Communications Lead
Team Communication, Marketing etc

Current Members of the READ TEAM:

CORE Team:


Local Champion:
